Info Night: recent protests in Kiev and Pungesti

infonightThe Budapest Infoshop invites you to a discussion about the recent resistance movements in ukraine and romania. In Kiev, hundreds of thousands of people are on the streets, protesting the government and the political system. In Pungesti, local villagers are resisting the riot police and the thugs of Chevron, as the oil company tries to set up fracking gas facilities in the area. We will talk about these issues and other related movements in these regions.
Also, on Monday we release the third issue of the zine ‘Buruieni‘, dedicated to more than ten years of anarchist and anticapitalist struggles in romanian cities. Other zines and printed materials related to the discussions will be available. tea and popcorn as well.  bring a friend!
WHEN: Monday, 9 december, 18:00
WHERE: Klit feminist queer social space (for exact adress email
free entrance

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