Archive for March, 2014

Call for Solidarity and Donations for KLIT

Saturday, March 22nd, 2014


KLIT: A Queer Feminist Community Safe Space in Budapest (Hungary) needs your help NOW!


Who we are

Two years ago, we began to work on building up a queer feminist community space here in Budapest. Now KLIT hosts seven different non-institutional groups covering topics from trans* issues to radical high-school activism. We are currently seven activist groups in KLIT: The Radical Queer Affinity Collective, the Freeshop Collective, TransVanilla, TETT, Rhythms of Resistance, the Infoshop Collective and the New Wave Faggots.

Due to conservative political pressures and heavy cracking down on alternative uses of urban space, our main allied cultural centers in Budapest have been closed down over the past two years. Although it is not presented in international media, Budapest’s micropolitics systematically target politically critical spaces, homeless, independent artists, anarchists, non-national anything, migrants, women, LGBT (for example:

Under the current political conditions, it is practically impossible to squat. Since most alternative spaces have been evicted, the needs of our space has grown as many of our allied groups and individuals have turned to KLIT. In KLIT, our groups screen films, conduct workshops, run an infoshop, a free shop, share knowledge and skills on DIY activities, hold assemblies, host activists in need, organize and participate in demonstrations.


Why we need your support

The safety of our space has been and is a priority and necessary condition for our actions. Due to the current themes that we work on, such as gender, sexuality, migration, we need to pay for the rent of this space in order to keep KLIT as it is: a dedicated safe space for women, queer and trans*people!

We are getting evicted now! The only thing we need money for is rent to cover the remaining 2 months of our stay in the current location. So far this has been covered for 18 months by FRIDA: the Young Feminist Fund. Through our various activities, we have exhausted this funding. So we need around 1000 Euros to bring us through May 2014, until we find together with our allies another solution. If you have the capacity to throw a solidarity party for our community, or any other way to fundraise to meet our goal, it would be empowering for us.

If you want to know more or have any questions, check our blog or write to


Info-night on struggles from Hamburg

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

Infoevent and talk with activist from hamburg:

– here to stay- protest, strategies, solidarity and shared struggle of a political scene and
refugee protest, actions, problems, repression.
lets take back what is ours – citys, spaces, houses, everything – no
nation! no border!












WHEN: Monday, 24th March, 6pm

WHERE: Klit [in the underground caverns of budapest, so secret that it;s not even on facebook]

write to fork [at] riseup [dot] net to ask for exact location


DIY Stencil Workshop in Klit

Friday, March 14th, 2014
Stencil workshop in klit

Stencil workshop in klit

Have you ever wanted to create your own patch or t-shirt print? the radical queer affinity collective and infoshop budapest invite you to a DIY (do-it-yourself) stencil workshop where you can learn a technique of making your very own stencil.

please bring a T-shirt, a bag or any other fabric on which you wish to put your print. we provide paint and other materials.
the workshop is held in english, with a possibility to translate into hungarian and a couple of other languages:)

come and start a revolution from yourself in a good company!




Place: Klit – the most underground and secret place in Budapest!

find out where it is by writing to fork [at] riseup [dot] net  – you can do it!

Time: Monday the 17th of March at 6pm

08.03: International Women’s Day – We Refuse to be Servants! – Nem leszünk szolgák!

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

refuse to be servants

Today is International Women’s Day! Come to Corvin Negyed at 16.00 and bring a pot or a pan with you, so we can create a feminist orchestra to disrupt the comfortable silence and united voice our demands!


This Saturday, on the 8th of March, we will celebrate the International Women’s Day in Budapest with a loud feminist march. Starting at 16.00 o’clock, from Corvin Negyed we will walk through the city centre to Klauzal Ter, beating on pots and pans to make noise and finally break the silence about women’s existence, and working conditions! Freedom – equality – feminism!
We, women, together with our allies, refuse to be anybody’s servants!

Woman is at first a human being and not a kind of a human, i.e. a derivative of a man. If women were primarily considered a human, universal human, just like a man is, we would consider the crimes against the women as a crimes against humanity and not as a second class offences, or as a national folklore. The average of 16 % less payment than the man earns for the same work, is a first degree crime in EU. This means that women work 59 days per year literally for free! The gender pay gap in Hungary is one of the highest in Europe. We demand equal pay for equal work!
We demand equal share of responsibilities!

None of us was born a woman. The woman is a product, the effect of a human civilisation and its history, its material productions, and is not its birthgiver. There is no essence of women, no nature of women, we refuse any such eternal biological grounds to our beings. Therefore, the feminist revolution is not simply intended for “women”, for “mothers”, “daughters” but rather against the social construction of it.

Therefore feminism is not simply a vindication of the rights of women, it is a deconstruction of exactly this production of the oppressive culture of slavery named women and womanhood. We refuse to be the second sex in any sexual contract or in any life system. We refuse to be secondary in any sense! We refuse to be a synonym for gender in general. We say “no” to the everyday sexism that surrounds us.

During the economical crisis that neoliberalist capitalists made for all of us, the women, and especially young women are extremely harmed by it. The girls from the youngest age learn to become smaller and smaller while they grow up. Did you know that only 22% of women with children return to the workplace after giving birth? We are saying “no” to the “traditional” enslavement of women as housekeepers. We say, we have had enough. Did you know that 22% of women in Europe have experienced physical and or sexual violence?

Because no woman is a tool to any imperialist, capitalist, sexist and exploatative bulshit! My body is my property! My work is my property! Do you still want to offer me a flower today?

Down with the discrimination!

The 8th of march coalition


Most szombaton, március 8-án, Budapesten hangos feminista menettel ünnepeljük a nemzetközi nőnapot. Négykor kezdünk, a Corvin-negyedtől sétálunk át a belvároson a Klauzál térre, miközben fazekakat és serpenyőket ütve keltünk hangzavart, hogy végre megtörjük a nők élet- és munkakörülményeit leplező csöndet! Szabadság – egyenlőség – feminizmus!

Mi, nők, a támogatóinkkal egyetemben, senkinek sem szolgálunk többet!

A nő elsősorban emberi lény, nem pedig egy emberféle, avagy férfiszármazék. Ha a nőket elsősorban embernek tekintenék, mindenre képes embernek, pont mint a férfit, akkor a nők ellen elkövetett bűncselekményeket az emberiség ellen elkövetett bűncselekménynek tekintenénk, nempedig másodrangú kihágásnak vagy nemzeti népszokásnak. A nők az azonos munkát végző férfiakénál átlagosan 16 %-kal alacsonyabb fizetése az egyik legsúlyosabb bűn az Európai Unióban. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a nők évente 59 napig szó szerint ingyen dolgoznak! Magyarországon a nemek közötti bérszakadék az egyik legmagasabb Európában. Egyenlő munkáért egyenlő bért! Egyenlő felelősségvállalást!

Egyikünk sem született nőként. A “nő” egy termék, az emberi civilizáció és történelem anyagi megvalósulása, nem pedig a megszülője. Nem létezik női lényeg, női természet – visszautasítjuk a létezésünk örökösen biológiailag meghatározott alapjait. Épp ezért a feminista forradalom nem egyszerűen a “nőknek”, az “anyáknak” vagy “lányoknak” szól, hanem a társadalmi konstrukció ellen irányul.

A feminizmus nem egyszerűen a nők jogainak követeléséről, hanem a nőiségnek nevezett rabszolgaság elnyomó kultúrájának lebontásáról szól. Nem leszünk többé a második nem semmilyen szexuális szerződésben vagy az élet bármely más rendszerében. Semmilyen értelemben sem leszünk másodrendűek! Nemet mondunk a minket körülvevő, mindennapi szexizmusra.

A gazdasági válságot, amit a neoliberális kapitalisták okoztak mindannyiunknak, a nők, különösképp a fiatal nők igazán megszenvedik. A legfiatalabb lányok is azt tanulják, hogyan nőjenek egyre kisebbé és kisebbé, mialatt felnőtté válnak. Tudtad, hogy szülés után csak a kisgyerekes nők 22 %-a tér vissza a munkahelyére? Nemet mondunk a nők hagyományos rabszolgasorban tartására háztartásbeliként. Azt mondjuk, elég volt. Tudtad, hogy Európában a nők 22%-a tapasztalt már fizikai és/vagy szexuális erőszakot?

Mert egy nő sem eszköz imperialista, kapitalista, szexista és kiszolgáltató baromságoknak! Az én testem az én tulajdonom! Az én munkám az én tulajdonom! Még mindig szeretnél ma virágot adni nekem?

Le a diszkriminációval!

Gyere a Corvin-negyed bevásárlóközpontja elé szombaton délután négykor, hozz magaddal egy fazekat vagy serpenyőt, hogy feminista zenekart alkotva megtörjük a kényelem csöndjét és együtt hangoztassuk a követeléseinket!

A március 8-i összefogás

The Punk Singer + Vegan Sushi = benefit party for Klit

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

Thursday, march 6th, 7pm



UPDATE: Friends and comrades, THANK you all for joining. It was a lovely evening.

thu at seven

thu at seven