Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Anarchist Pedagogy Sessions – Reform-pedagogical currents – Waldorf, Rogers

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

We have launched a series of lectures and discussions in order to present
the initiative “The Free School of Robin Goodfellow”, and start to
build up a community of children, parents and pedagogues capable
to create and run a free school which yields an anti-authoritarian-
communitarian-revolutionary education.

Location of the events: MÜSZI, 1085 Budapest, Blaha Lujza tér 1.
(Corvin department store, 4th floor, entrance from Somogyi Béla utca,
a big green door with the logo of MÜSZI, if it’s closed, ring the bell!)

Date and time: The first Sunday of every month, from 3 p.m. till 6 p.m.
Participation is free, there’s a playing room for the children.

On 1st of February 2015, the topic is “Reform-pedagogical currents 1. (Waldorf, Rogers)”.


en poster

click for large!

DEMO zine

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014

We put all our stuff together, plus some other contributions from friends, and look what came out: the Budapest Infoshop Zine, in demo version! Download it, read it and spread it like vegan chocolate!

infoshop zine cover photo mojito portrait








Write us about it at Budapestinfoshop [at] riseup [dot] net

DIY Stencil Workshop in Klit

Friday, March 14th, 2014
Stencil workshop in klit

Stencil workshop in klit

Have you ever wanted to create your own patch or t-shirt print? the radical queer affinity collective and infoshop budapest invite you to a DIY (do-it-yourself) stencil workshop where you can learn a technique of making your very own stencil.

please bring a T-shirt, a bag or any other fabric on which you wish to put your print. we provide paint and other materials.
the workshop is held in english, with a possibility to translate into hungarian and a couple of other languages:)

come and start a revolution from yourself in a good company!




Place: Klit – the most underground and secret place in Budapest!

find out where it is by writing to fork [at] riseup [dot] net  – you can do it!

Time: Monday the 17th of March at 6pm

08.03: International Women’s Day – We Refuse to be Servants! – Nem leszünk szolgák!

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

refuse to be servants

Today is International Women’s Day! Come to Corvin Negyed at 16.00 and bring a pot or a pan with you, so we can create a feminist orchestra to disrupt the comfortable silence and united voice our demands!


This Saturday, on the 8th of March, we will celebrate the International Women’s Day in Budapest with a loud feminist march. Starting at 16.00 o’clock, from Corvin Negyed we will walk through the city centre to Klauzal Ter, beating on pots and pans to make noise and finally break the silence about women’s existence, and working conditions! Freedom – equality – feminism!
We, women, together with our allies, refuse to be anybody’s servants!

Woman is at first a human being and not a kind of a human, i.e. a derivative of a man. If women were primarily considered a human, universal human, just like a man is, we would consider the crimes against the women as a crimes against humanity and not as a second class offences, or as a national folklore. The average of 16 % less payment than the man earns for the same work, is a first degree crime in EU. This means that women work 59 days per year literally for free! The gender pay gap in Hungary is one of the highest in Europe. We demand equal pay for equal work!
We demand equal share of responsibilities!

None of us was born a woman. The woman is a product, the effect of a human civilisation and its history, its material productions, and is not its birthgiver. There is no essence of women, no nature of women, we refuse any such eternal biological grounds to our beings. Therefore, the feminist revolution is not simply intended for “women”, for “mothers”, “daughters” but rather against the social construction of it.

Therefore feminism is not simply a vindication of the rights of women, it is a deconstruction of exactly this production of the oppressive culture of slavery named women and womanhood. We refuse to be the second sex in any sexual contract or in any life system. We refuse to be secondary in any sense! We refuse to be a synonym for gender in general. We say “no” to the everyday sexism that surrounds us.

During the economical crisis that neoliberalist capitalists made for all of us, the women, and especially young women are extremely harmed by it. The girls from the youngest age learn to become smaller and smaller while they grow up. Did you know that only 22% of women with children return to the workplace after giving birth? We are saying “no” to the “traditional” enslavement of women as housekeepers. We say, we have had enough. Did you know that 22% of women in Europe have experienced physical and or sexual violence?

Because no woman is a tool to any imperialist, capitalist, sexist and exploatative bulshit! My body is my property! My work is my property! Do you still want to offer me a flower today?

Down with the discrimination!

The 8th of march coalition


Most szombaton, március 8-án, Budapesten hangos feminista menettel ünnepeljük a nemzetközi nőnapot. Négykor kezdünk, a Corvin-negyedtől sétálunk át a belvároson a Klauzál térre, miközben fazekakat és serpenyőket ütve keltünk hangzavart, hogy végre megtörjük a nők élet- és munkakörülményeit leplező csöndet! Szabadság – egyenlőség – feminizmus!

Mi, nők, a támogatóinkkal egyetemben, senkinek sem szolgálunk többet!

A nő elsősorban emberi lény, nem pedig egy emberféle, avagy férfiszármazék. Ha a nőket elsősorban embernek tekintenék, mindenre képes embernek, pont mint a férfit, akkor a nők ellen elkövetett bűncselekményeket az emberiség ellen elkövetett bűncselekménynek tekintenénk, nempedig másodrangú kihágásnak vagy nemzeti népszokásnak. A nők az azonos munkát végző férfiakénál átlagosan 16 %-kal alacsonyabb fizetése az egyik legsúlyosabb bűn az Európai Unióban. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a nők évente 59 napig szó szerint ingyen dolgoznak! Magyarországon a nemek közötti bérszakadék az egyik legmagasabb Európában. Egyenlő munkáért egyenlő bért! Egyenlő felelősségvállalást!

Egyikünk sem született nőként. A “nő” egy termék, az emberi civilizáció és történelem anyagi megvalósulása, nem pedig a megszülője. Nem létezik női lényeg, női természet – visszautasítjuk a létezésünk örökösen biológiailag meghatározott alapjait. Épp ezért a feminista forradalom nem egyszerűen a “nőknek”, az “anyáknak” vagy “lányoknak” szól, hanem a társadalmi konstrukció ellen irányul.

A feminizmus nem egyszerűen a nők jogainak követeléséről, hanem a nőiségnek nevezett rabszolgaság elnyomó kultúrájának lebontásáról szól. Nem leszünk többé a második nem semmilyen szexuális szerződésben vagy az élet bármely más rendszerében. Semmilyen értelemben sem leszünk másodrendűek! Nemet mondunk a minket körülvevő, mindennapi szexizmusra.

A gazdasági válságot, amit a neoliberális kapitalisták okoztak mindannyiunknak, a nők, különösképp a fiatal nők igazán megszenvedik. A legfiatalabb lányok is azt tanulják, hogyan nőjenek egyre kisebbé és kisebbé, mialatt felnőtté válnak. Tudtad, hogy szülés után csak a kisgyerekes nők 22 %-a tér vissza a munkahelyére? Nemet mondunk a nők hagyományos rabszolgasorban tartására háztartásbeliként. Azt mondjuk, elég volt. Tudtad, hogy Európában a nők 22%-a tapasztalt már fizikai és/vagy szexuális erőszakot?

Mert egy nő sem eszköz imperialista, kapitalista, szexista és kiszolgáltató baromságoknak! Az én testem az én tulajdonom! Az én munkám az én tulajdonom! Még mindig szeretnél ma virágot adni nekem?

Le a diszkriminációval!

Gyere a Corvin-negyed bevásárlóközpontja elé szombaton délután négykor, hozz magaddal egy fazekat vagy serpenyőt, hogy feminista zenekart alkotva megtörjük a kényelem csöndjét és együtt hangoztassuk a követeléseinket!

A március 8-i összefogás

The Punk Singer + Vegan Sushi = benefit party for Klit

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

Thursday, march 6th, 7pm



UPDATE: Friends and comrades, THANK you all for joining. It was a lovely evening.

thu at seven

thu at seven

SUSHI FILM CLUB “The Punk Singer” in Klit

Thursday, February 27th, 2014
SUSHI FILM CLUB presents “The Punk Singer. A Movie About Katheleen Hanna”

After watching this  powerful movie, you will want to start your own riot grrrl band! Why not watching it in a good company of your potential band-mates?

Thursday, March 6th at 7 pm

Where? @KLIT

KLITTERS will serve delicious vegan sushi for PWYC (pay-what-you-can), because we need your help in sustaining our activist space!

“The Punk Singer” 80 min  –  Documentary  (2013) USA

Director:  Sini Anderson


Kathleen Hanna, lead singer of the punk band Bikini Kill and dance-punk trio Le Tigre, rose to national attention as the reluctant but never shy voice of the riot grrrl movement. She became one of the most famously outspoken feminist icons, a cultural lightning rod. Her critics wished she would just shut-up, and her fans hoped she never would. So in 2005, when Hanna stopped shouting, many wondered why. Through 20 years of archival footage* and intimate interviews with Hanna, THE PUNK SINGER takes viewers on a fascinating tour of contemporary music and offers a never-before-seen view into the life of this fearless leader.

Stars:  Kathleen Hanna, Carrie Brownstein, Kim Gordon, Joan Jett, and other awesome women you always wanted to be friends with.

re-blogged from:

Call for Joining the Solidarity Protest Against the Potential Passage of Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda

Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

Join in solidarity with the sexual rights and human rights movement inHUMAN-RIGHTS-Uganda-lgbt-law-22 Uganda, as they work in the next few days to strategize against the passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. The bill seeks imprisonment of “homosexuals” for up to 14 years, without access to legal justice until after 7 days upon arrest. With neo-colonial backing and agitation from U.S. Evangelicals, the bill is a redundancy of the British Colonial Penal Code Act, which sought (and seeks) to “criminalize any person who has carnal knowledge of any person against the order of nature” (Sections 145 to 150 of the Penal Code Act)

These are the direct words from the Coalition for Human Rights and Constitutional Law in Kampala, Uganda :

“We call upon all partners, friends and allies to organize worldwide demonstrations in different cities around the world now and or in the event that this bill is passed in its current form.”

“Unfortunately, we received troubling confirmation on the 14th February 2014 from State House that President Yoweri Museveni Kaguta of the Republic of Uganda has agreed to sign the bill into law. We are not sure when he actually intends to sign the bill but from our calculations, he has until the 23rd of February to do so. Again if he does nothing by the end of 23rd February, the law presumes his assent and then all the Speaker of Parliament needs to do is to table the Bill before parliament and it becomes law. With a Speaker who has clearly shown her determination to make this Bill law, we believe she will do this as soon as the days run out. So either way, we have a limited period within which to act and if the Bill passes we need to support actions that oppose the new law. These guidelines are intended to guide international partners on how to support the CSCHRCL at this important stage.”

Where: Ugandan Consolate, Budapest, Hungary.

When: February 24, 16:30.

Infoshop radiating Monday: Into Eternity

Thursday, February 13th, 2014



Joint film screening in collaboration with Klit.

Monday, 17th of February in Klit, at 18h

Vicious Vizsla’s wrote about the film:

At our last activist dinner the discussion on current demonstrations regarding Paks facility our thoughts went to nuclear energy which made me remember the fascinating documentary film Into Eternity, dir. by Michael Madsen, in 2009. After this film, make sure you will learn and remember for good a nice, weird word in finnish language – “onkalo”.

Here’s a trailer:

Into Eternity is an unique art work that deeply explores the mind-boggling scientific and philosophical questions that long-term nuclear waste storage poses.

Structured as a message to future generations, the piece focuses on the Onkalo waste repository now under construction in Finland, one of the first underground storage facilities. Onkalo is a gigantic network of tunnels being carved out of bedrock that will start receiving Finland’s nuclear waste in 2020. Once the repository is full, in about 100 years, it will be closed and hopefully remain sealed for at least 100,000 years.into-eternity-006

Into Eternity takes viewers deep into the Onkalo facility as it is being constructed and asks Onkalo representatives, scientists, theologians and others to address fundamental but challenging questions.

How can our civilization know what the world will be like in 100,000 years? The first modern homo sapiens appeared about that long ago and no human structure has survived more than 5000 years. How can we anticipate climate and geologic changes that far in the future? What will life on our planet be like then? How do we warn distant generations of the deadly waste our civilization left behind? What languages or signs will they understand? How do we prevent them from thinking they have located the pyramids of our time or some other treasures?

With its stark, stylistic approach, the video work Into Eternity by the Danish artist Michael Madsen not only raises questions about the possibility of long-term nuclear waste storage, but also invites reflection on the limits of science and human knowledge, along with our responsibility to future generations.

Film’s special website:

Duration: film 1h 15′ and interview with Madsen 44′ (if we decide to watch it) followed by conversation. Before the film and discussion some home made fanta and pop corn will be served but not as bribery (:

email for the exact location.

Feminist Self Defence Trainings in Klit

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

ankuendigung_pic_budapestReblogged from: .  For more on Feminist self defence in general and by Rqac, read the latest Klit Newsletter.


1st TRAINING MEETING, on 22nd of february 2014

from 11:30 am – 4.30 pm including lunch break, duration 5 hrs

with rosemarie and helga

The workshop offers an introduction into self-defense and it’s feminist principles. We address gender-attacks and queer self-empowerment, however also offer space for exchange about various forms of discriminatory attacks. There will also be an introduction into basic body-techniques.

helga started training martial arts (in her 20ies) and later self defense (in her 30ies). now in her 40ies adds fighting against various forms of oppression and queer strategies – often together with rosemarie – to her concept of selfdefense.

rosemarie started her politicization with feminist self defense and later got interested in karate(in her 20ies). now (in her 30ies) she’s interested in intersecting forms of violence – often together with helga, exploring strategies as an ally and confronting own privileges.

 bring: comfortable clothes, soft shoes or socks

please bring yoga mats, if you have one


 2nd FSD training meeting: on 1st and 2nd of March 2014

from 11-14h and 15-17.30h

 with rada and suse from vienna

 we are a part of one wendo group (feminist self-defense) in vienna that is training together for about four years, although in the last year not so regularly. we both have longer experience with training feminist self-defense. suse has done a long training for a wendo trainer.

We are maybe not “professionals” (or we don’t see ourselves as such), but we would really like to share our knowledge and train together with you! we would like to support you in building a self-defense group in Budapest.

we can imagine coming to Budapest regularly, until you need supported trainings.
our invitation politix is womyn, lesbians and trans*

 At the weekend, we want to practice different techniques of self defense in a broad sense. This includes training of awareness of your own personal boundaries and how to protect them, to train how to defend yourself from sexist, homo/lesbophob, racist assaults verbally as well as physically, to train some practical and simple blocking and attacking skills and to get empowered by your own possibilities.

There is no previous knowledge required.
Please bring comfortable clothes!

Please express your interest in advance via email to

Upon registration you will receive the following up data; exact time, location (it is central) etc. If you are coming from a group, for the sake of simplicity you are asked to register only once, indicating your number and names respectively. If you can attend only one training indicate it but if you want to get involved in long term group, attendance to both training is pretty necessary.

Call for action – International solidarity with homeless people

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

reblogged from

Poverty is not a  crime!

Poverty is not a crime!


We invite our friends all over the world to join our struggle against the criminalisation of homelessness in Hungary.

The 2010 election brought a comprehensive authoritarian and punitive turn in Hungary: constitutional democracy was essentially abolished; labour rights were curtailed; entitlement to welfare benefits was restricted and a harsh workfare regime was implemented; asylum-seekers became subject to an unjustifiable detention regime; increasingly severe penal policies were introduced with disproportionate sanctions; the surveillance of state employees was authorised on an unprecedented scale. Since the transition to capitalism in 1990, the poverty rate and the level of income inequality have never been as high as now.

Despite years of advocacy and protests, homelessness became a punishable offence in Hungary. In November 2012, the Constitutional Court struck down a law that criminalised street homelessness, arguing that the state should address homelessness as a social and not a criminal issue. In response, the governing party decided to change the Constitution itself, enabling local governments to punish “habitual residence in public spaces”. Homeless people can already be subjected to compulsory community work, monetary fine and imprisonment in most parts of Budapest, and several local authorities outside of the capital are also criminalising homelessness.

We, homeless and ally members of The City is for All are asking you to help us abolish this inhumane piece of legislation and express your solidarity with homeless people in Hungary.

If your time and resources allow, please organise a solidarity demonstration on one of the days between 13-15th of February, ideally in front of the Hungarian embassy or consulate in your country. If you do so, please send us pictures or videos so that we can publicise on our website and Facebook-page the international protest against the ongoing war on poor people in Hungary.

We hope that you will find a way to support our struggle. If you have any question regarding the event to be organised, the documentation, or the criminalisation of homelessness itself, please contact us at

Thank you for all your support!

The City is for All

« Être SDF n’est pas un délit ! » Appel à l’action : Solidarité internationale avec les SDF en Hongrie

Further information:

infographic video on the “homeless-free zones” in Budapest (with English text and subtitles)* 

a recent article that discusses the wider context of criminalisation of homelessness in Hungary (in English)

English translation of the main legislation on criminalisation

video of our most recent civil disobedience action against criminalisation (with English subtitles)

video of our most recent street protest against criminalisation (with English subtitles)

a video of one of our earlier civil disobedience action against criminalisation (with English subtitles)

a video on criminalisatoin by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

previous acts of international solidarity
